Got My First Award... Yippppee!!!

Posted on January 10, 2008 by Hye

Aside from meeting new friends and expressing your thoughts, another exciting thing about blogging is receiving awards from your fellow bloggers. Speaking of awards, I am so happy to say that today, I received my very first award here in the blogosphere. Yippeeee!!!

It is an honor to receive such award.

Thanks to Dann and his MyLoveHub blog for sharing his award to me. Dann, you are such a great and loving blogofriend :D. I can’t thank you enough…

Here’s my award :D

My First AwardTo spread the love and happiness, and of course as a sign of my gratitude, I would like to share this award to my fellow blog readers, friends, and commentators.

1. Dann
2. Bluedreamer
3. Waliz
4. Rose
5. Joy
6. Simran

To Dann, I want to give the award back to you as a sign of my gratitude for sharing it to me :D To Bluedreamer and Waliz, I know you guys already received this award but I still want to share it you as a sign of my friendship. To Rose, Joy, and Simran, Lets spread love and happiness.