Guest Post Are Welcome Here At Space of Reality

Posted on September 20, 2008 by Hye

I've been busy for a long time now and because of that busy-ness, I was not able to update this blog regularly. I plan to post at least one article per day here, but due to time constraint, I can't. To my regular readers, I am sorry for the lack of regular updates.

I've been thinking of giving up or maybe selling this blog but, still, I can't. I love this blog and I have already given too much effort with it just to give it up. I gained many online friends because of Space of Reality and if I lose this blog, surely I will miss them.

Thus, instead of giving up this blog, I have decided to open it for guest posts for link love. This is a PR2 blog so I think it still count as a link juice. Or if you don't care much about backlinks, you are welcome to share articles here just to keep Space of Reality active.

Feel free to submit your unique articles. Just leave a message below and I will give you the email address to send it. It could be a poem, an open letter or message to your love ones (hatred related will not be accepted), or anything that has something to do with reality like opinions, thoughts, insights, etc.

Thank you and I look forward for your submission.