Got Three Awards This Week

Posted on February 23, 2008 by Hye

Okay... it's Saturday and it means todays is another day of sharing awards and tags from friends. I got two awards this week which came from a very spacial angel who gave me two awards and myself.

My first two awards are given by Angelbaby - a real sweet and caring angel. She gave me 5-star Blog Award and Excellent Blog Award. It is my third time to receive the 5-star blog award and I feel so honored knowing my blog is rated that way. Thanks to you, my avid readers ;D

Excellent Award

My third award is called Blogging With A Purpose Award. Actually, this award was originally given to me in my Make Money Online Free blog, but because I believe Space of Reality deserve this award too, I shared it here. Hope it's fine.
Blogging With A Purpose
Now, my favorite part is the sharing of awards. I want to give this award to our readers who took time to leave their comments on our topics this week. If you already received these awards, then feel honored to receive them one more time - and now, it came from me ;D Look for your name below:
Rose | Amarendra | Bluedreamer | BlueCrystalDude| Coolingstar | Julia | DH Pang | Hailie| Bestre | Jen | Farah Deen | Sweetiepie | Cathara | VeryHeaven | Richard |