Okay... it's Saturday and it means todays is another day of sharing awards and tags from friends. I got two awards this week which came from a very spacial angel who gave me two awards and myself.
My first two awards are given by Angelbaby - a real sweet and caring angel. She gave me 5-star Blog Award and Excellent Blog Award. It is my third time to receive the 5-star blog award and I feel so honored knowing my blog is rated that way. Thanks to you, my avid readers ;D

My third award is called Blogging With A Purpose Award. Actually, this award was originally given to me in my Make Money Online Free blog, but because I believe Space of Reality deserve this award too, I shared it here. Hope it's fine.

Rose | Amarendra | Bluedreamer | BlueCrystalDude| Coolingstar | Julia | DH Pang | Hailie| Bestre | Jen | Farah Deen | Sweetiepie | Cathara | VeryHeaven | Richard |