I got this tag called Knowing Me, Knowing You from a new blogging friend Cotojo. This meme is really fun. I think it's now time to share a part of me by answering the questions below. (I've erased some of the questions because I don't have any answer. Sorry)
1. What is your occupation? Hmmmn, I used to be a Quality Assurance Specialist in a call center but gave it up last year... I am no longer working, as I am doing a personal business as of now. At least I am my own boss ;D
2. What color are your socks right now? I am not wearing socks right now ;D
3. What are you listening to right now? Noises from the neighborhood, especially the kids.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Thing? maybe you mean food... Just had my dinner awhile ago but the last thing I ate is a slice of orange.
5. Can you drive a stick shift? I don't drive.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Green. I wanna make the whole world peace and serene.
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Hmmmn, let me think.
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yeah, she's a new friend and I think I'm gonna like her ;D
9. Favorite drink? Grape Juice
10. What is your favorite sport to watch? Basketball??? I am not into sports, honestly.
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yeah, when I was in high school. I dyed it with light brown.
12. Pets? I used to have a dog... but he died and never had any pet after that.
13. Favorite food? As of now, I am addicted with Beef Gyudon and Chicken Teriyaki. Yummmy.
14. Last movie you watched? Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman. It is a great movie.
15. Favorite Day of the year? My birthday ;D
16. What do you do to vent anger? Relax and keep silent until the anger subside.
17. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie doll? Not sure.
18. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Don't know because we don't have either spring or fall.
19. Hugs or kisses? Can I choose both? I'll go for hugs because you can hug anybody but definitely can't kiss everyone.
20. What kind of pie? I am not into pies... but I would go for tuna pie.
21. Do you want your friends to email you back? Sure... especially when their reply is important, they should email me back ;D
22. Living arrangements? Peace, happy, enjoying every minute of life... meeting new people ;D
23. When was the last time you cried? While watching Pursuit to Happyness last weekend for the nth time.
24. What inspires you? If you mean "who" then my answer is my family.
25. What are you afraid of? I am afraid of heights.
26. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese.
27. Favorite car? Any model as long as I have one.
28. Favorite cat breed? I don't like cats, honestly ;D
29. Number of keys on your key ring? Five or six... not sure (too lazy to check it out)
30. How many years at your current job? Just recently. I gave up my former job last year.
31. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
32. How many provinces have you lived in? About five.
33. How many countries have you been to? Never had the chance to go out the country. Maybe soon ;D
Now, it's time to share information about you to guys. If you want to join the fun, answer the questions above in your blog. I don't have to mention your name here. The choice is yours if you want to participate or not ;D Have fun!!!
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Online Coupons And Coupon Codes
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Example of coupons that you can get at Couponchief.com are the following:
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For the complete list of coupons and discounts, visit CouponChief.com. I'm sure you will find there great deals and offers from your favorite online store. They almost have everything - from apparels, automotive and tools, credit cards and banking, books and magazines, computers and software, electronics, food, wine, gifts, jewelry, watches, shoes, garden needs, toys, accessories, DVDs, pet supply, travel needs, and more.
How Can Nagging Affect The Relationship
Today's the last day of the Heart's Month... so I want to end up the month with a topic about love. Well, it's not exactly about love. It's more about relationship and is called "How Can Nagging Affect The Relationship". Actually this topic came up in my mind yesterday but I decided to write about it today.
So, how can nagging affect the relationship?
Honestly, I am a nagger. I think it's women's nature to be a nagger. I don't know if other women will agree with me... but I admit I am... even my mom does ;D
I nag my boyfriend most of the time, especially if he is late again from work... if he forgot to buy stuffs I want him to buy... if he bought another set of DVDs... and other reasons. My mom nags my dad especially when he is again drunk.
Some people, especially the male department, hate naggers. My boyfriend even admitted that he hated when I nag him. I know my dad hated it when my mom nags too... but he just keep silent instead of arguing back. Luckily, they haven't separated yet because of nagging.
According to study, repetitive pattern of daily complaints and nagging can have a corrosive effect on a relationship. Agreeable enough, but I think the effect all depend on how the couples deal with it. They could either talk about how nagging affect their relationship or give up the relationship. I think some reasons of divorce is also caused by nagging, don't you agree?
So, let me ask you "Are you a nagger too".
Credit Cards for Bad Credit
The main reason for a denial on application of credit card – bad credit profile. In most countries, bad credit is the primary reason why several lending companies deny credit card applications. The good news is that there are now lenders that are willing to give a second chance and one website where you can locate these companies is called BadCreditOffers.com. It is a leading comparison website for people with bad credit offering services like credit cards, home loans, auto loans, and much more. They can offer you loans regardless of your credit background – either good or bad.
Message In A Bottle Meme
I got this Message in a Bottle meme from cool friends Bluedreamer and Angelbaby.
Here are the rules:
You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. What message would you like to send out to the universe?
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture.

5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That’s a mimism for blog + eternity.) Have fun!!!

*** Rose *** Farah *** Hailie *** Renrie *** Gypsy *** AC Associates *** DH Pang *** Eyes of A Dolphin *** Sassy *** Feel Vibes *** Jos Desk *** LadyDucky *** Sayeret Golani *** Cil-Rise *** Carla *** Etavasi *** Jonrez *** Ice Princessa *** Jessa *** Richard This is just a summary of this post, go here to read the full article...
Your Right To Claim Compensation
Some of you reading this post may know that our employers should pay our medical bills if we are injured on the job. However, some may admit it or not, there are majority who wait until they have actually suffered an injury before attempting to learn what benefits are available to them and what they must do to obtain these benefits.
As a citizen working in a private or public establishment, you should know your right to claim compensation in as early as possible. A worker's compensation or sometimes referred as Workman's Compensation is a system of laws meant to depend injured employees and offer their right to allege accident claims. The law's main goal is to ensure that anyone who is injured at work receives proper and appropriate medical care, lost wages lifting to the on-the-job injury and, if needed, retraining and rehabilitation, so as to be able to return to the workforce in shape. When workers are killed on the job, members of the workers' families are usually entitled for settlement.
Normally, injured workers will benefit from consulting an attorney who can advise them in protecting their Worker's Compensation benefits and defending against the premature termination of benefits.
Justice Is Blind... Really?
There is an old saying stating that "Justice is blind". When I was a kid, I admit I did not exactly know what it means. I used to wonder what they mean "blind". Do they mean justice is literally blind? I even wonder why justice was symbolized by a blindfolded woman with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other.
Because of curiosity and further asking, I learn to understand the reason behind the saying "Justice is blind". Justice is not literally blind. Justice is blind in a sense that the law should be viewed objectively. Justice should be balance without bias or prejudice. In short, it should be just. A blindfolded woman demonstrates fairness and equity wherein race, social class, or gender should not influence justice.
Okay. Now that we know what justice is blind means… maybe we should reflect and ask ourselves if this statement is still practiced in reality in today’s era. Look at our government, our society, our school, or even inside our homes. Is justice really blind?
Botox Is A Miracle Drug?
Aside from breast enhancement, liposuction, facial surgery, and body reshaping, the use of Botox is becoming increasingly common especially to women ages 20 and above. Several personalities and celebrities have admitted they have used Botox in an attempt to defy the signs of ageing. Nowadays, not only celebrities and elite personalities are using it, even normal individuals do. I have a friend who used Botox to remove her dark eyebags and the result was amazing. The effects of Botox even lasted for a year. No wonder, many people are claiming Botox is a miracle drug as it can smoothen out lines and gives the effect of higher cheekbones. This means that Botox can definitely make anyone look younger and brighter.
What Makes A Man Stronger?
Have you ever heard this line "A strong man stands up for himself. I stronger man stand for others"? If you watched the Disney cartoon movie called Barnyard: The Original Party Animals, then probably, you can relate to this line... but if you haven't, then I suggest watching it. Just kidding.
Seriously, if you are after computer-animated cartoon movies then Barnyard is another great choice because it has a moral in it. What I like about Disney movies is that you can learn a lesson or two after watching each movie. In Barnyard's case, I've learn several lessons and one is the line above. I am not to talk about the movie so if you are curious about it, then I suggest watching it ;D
Back to the phrase "A strong man stands up for himself. I stronger man stand for others" which is the main topic of the post. Do you agree? Why not?
Honestly, after hearing the statement, I was touched. So true. I do agree that a man is stronger if he can stand for others. A man is strong if he can take care for himself, but he is even stronger when he can take care for his family and friends. Conversely, a leader is better when he stands up for his subordinates – not only thinking the benefit of his leadership and power.
Maybe it’s now time to reflect on how you stand for others. Are you strong or stronger?
Easy Online Payday Loans
Ever wondering how and where to get instant money? Imagine you were window shopping until you saw a new and cool cell phone on sale. You want to buy the said gadget to avail the discount, but sadly your wallet or pocket has no enough bucks, even no available balance in your bank account. Payday is still weeks away and the sale is only for about three days or less. Obviously, you can’t wait until payday. You tried borrowing some money from your friends and family, but they turned you down. So what is your option now?
If you are in the same situation as above or your situation is somehow related, then your only choice is to apply for a payday loan at Easy Online Payday Loan. It is the number one site you can count on for all your faxless payday loan needs. Applying for a loan is easy, as long as you meet their requirements. Visit their website for more information about their services and terms. No worries for your personal information as they will be kept completely private. So, do you need cash advance but can't wait for your payday? Think of Easy Online Payday Loan - the place for your financial needs!
Am I An Outstanding Blogger?
Okay... back to blogging business. I finally got my momentum and luckily, I was able to write articles awhile ago. Where did I get my energy? I just had my dinner, that's why. Just kidding.
One reason I regained my motivation is because I just had received another amazing award from my new blogging friend Farah. Recently, she gave me an Outstanding Blogger Award and thankfully she did inform me about my award ;D
Thank you so much for sharing this award with me, Farah. You are a great friend, I can feel it ;D
Wow!!! After receiving the award, I keep on thinking if "I am really an outstanding blogger". Am I? Do I deserve this award?
This is the first time I ever received an award from Farah and I feel pleasured receiving such token. Being called as "outstanding" is big for me, really. Call me "weird", "overacting" or something... I don't care. For me, receiving an Outstanding Blogger award is really overwhelming. Having someone to tell you that you are outstanding is something, but receiving it in a way of award is bigger, don't you think?
Anyway, I want to share this award to my blogging friends. You know who you are guys, I don't have to mention your name one by one. If you feel you are my friend and deserve this award as well, then feel free to grab it.
Congratulations in advance. Keep being an outstanding blogger!!!
Dental Desperation Leading To Loans
Applying for a financial loan is one of the best actions to do especially during financial emergency or whenever payday is still weeks away and the need for cash is immediate. Most lending companies both traditional and online are offering different kinds of loans and services such as homeowner loans, debt consolidation, and payday loans at reasonable and affordable interest rates.
Applying for a loan depends on several reasons, mostly due to financial incapacity or monetary crisis. However, it was my first time to hear that dental desperation can now cause loans to some families, as stated by an article I read just recently. According to a news report of Derry Journal, members of the public in one area of the UK are being forced to apply for loans for the payment of their dental treatment. Based from the resource, residents of this area who needs dental treatment have to go to private dentists due to a lack of NHS services, causing them to apply loans to pay for their treatment. Also, as mentioned by the report, seven percent of these people who applied for a loan usually use some of the money for medical reasons while two percent of the loan typically used for cosmetic surgery.
Do You Judge Other People's Appearance?
Thought of The Day: Do you judge other people's appearance?
Okay. Suppose you were walking down the street and you saw a girl dressed in a weird way, will you glance back and criticize her – either silently or saying the words “Her dress is weird; she should have worn something better!”? C’mon, be honest. I am sure most of us have seen someone dressed in a not normal way during ordinary days… and some of us may have judged her negatively, am I right?
We may admit it or not, there are many times in our lives when we judge other people – from criticizing their lives, clothes, pronunciation, physical appearance, etc. Some of us may have done it all at once or twice, behind some reasons. Some of us criticize and condemn other people. Sometimes, we gladly find or expose another person's faults and mistakes. Some people tear other people down - sometimes in front of them, but in most times, behind their backs. It may be fun for some, but not for the victim.
Why do people judge other people? Is it because of pride? Or is it your excuse so your own faults will not be noticed?
Just a thought needing your opinion ;D
My Blog List For Entrecard
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
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Note: I was able to collect 300 blogs that loads fast with Entrecard widgets in it for my power dropping to earn credits. The sites included here are temporarily. If you want your blog to be included on the list, be sure that it meet the following requirements:
- It should loads as fast as 45 seconds or lower
- The Entrecard widget should be placed above fold, with no scrolling.
- Your blog must be updated.
If your blog meet the above, just leave me a message and I will add your blog accordingly. Feel free to use this page for your powerdropping ;0 Good luck!!!
On Cloud Nine With This Peace Award
Today's another wordless Wednesday. I woke up late and am too lazy to get back to work. Maybe I should declare today as my holiday. Just kidding. Honestly, I can't think of an interesting topic here in Space of Reality. Maybe later I can come up with a topic to discuss, right after having my brunch ;D
Anyway, despite the boredom and laziness I am feeling right now, there is one reason I should be happy and motivated about. I just recently received another amazing award called Peace Award. I got this reward from a very loyal friend name Rose, who had been tagging and giving me awards without me knowing. I think this award should be given and shared mostly to Filipinos as they need Peace and Serenity right now, because of what is currently happening in their government. Again, just kidding. I am not serious. I want to share this award to anyone, not specifically Filipinos ;D
Now, my favorite part is to share this award to our recent commentators namely:
Bluedreamer, Farah, Richard, Karlyn, Billy, Colin, Twinks, Jen, Sweetipie, Warsnake, Sassy, Jirel, Coolingstar, and Ancilla.
(Just a little note, in case I never mention the awards and tags you had given, please accept my apologies. One reason I never posted it could be you never informed me ;D So I really appreciate it in case you tagged me or given me an award, please leave a message here. Thanks.)
Avail Discounts At HotelReservations.Com
Are you currently planning for a vacation to get away from the boredom and pressures of city life? Are you looking for a place where you can avail hotel discounts on your reservations or vacation rentals? If your answers to these two questions are both yes, then you should visit HotelReservations.com. It is an easy-to-book directory offering different international destinations where you can book your hotel and motel reservations, vacation and condo rentals at a discounted prices and competitive rates. With them, you can save up to 70% off on any of your reservations from any worldwide destinations of your choice. They also have the $100 rebate program to guarantee that your reservation is at lower rates.
They also have the Bed and Breakfast category where you can book for hotels that offer bed and breakfast services. If you are tight with your budget, you can also choose which hotel offers the cheapest or affordable price. Some of the hotels that offer bed and breakfast services are priced between $59.95 to $209.95. You can visit their website now to see more services and offers at a lower and discounted price.
If you are after traveling and undecided yet on what place to visit, you can use their Destination Guide service where you can choose which place to visit step-by-step. They offer different destinations from all over the world. All you have to do is click on the place you dream to visit, for example UK, then you can locate the best hotel offering services that meet your needs. They also have a service called Road Trip search where you can find great destinations within a short drive from wherever you are.So, the next time you book your reservations, visit HotelReservations.com or call their tool free number 1-800-447-4136 for US and Canada reservations, 00-800-1276-3549 for Europe, (1) 817-333-5105 for worldwide customers.
Why Do Parents Argue?
I am not a parent yet, but I have parents and I admit I often ask myself "Why do parents argue?" especially when I was a kid about five or six years old.
You might be wondering where I got this topic. Actually, I was just browsing my blog when I saw a Google Adsense advertisement titled "Why Do My Parents Argue?"... so I said to myself "Why not discuss this topic today?" I hope parents will share their opinion about this topic… maybe its time to share the reason behind parents' arguments. Is it normal? Is the argument worth it or did it just affected the relationship between you and your husband/wife - especially the kids?
Based on my own parents' arguments and the arguments between my boyfriend and me, I believe that arguments are just normal in a relationship. Couples argue because of some misunderstanding or the least, misjudgment. Yet, whatever the reason may be, compromise is necessary - so with saying "sorry" and giving an explanation. Aside from those, it is also important to hear the others' side. Remember, it takes two to tango...
And as tip coming from a parents' child, I believe that the argument should be kept private, without the kids hearing it, because this may affect the kids as well. Don't you agree?
Get The Right Training Courses
Online training courses are now very widespread wherein different establishments and schools are offering online tutorials such as Sales Training UK, Management Training, and the likes.
I was a very serious college student thus, as long as I can find online training courses to learn information related to my course, I register myself in, not minding if it was free or not. That time, what matters to me was the knowledge I can dig up. Honestly, I enrolled myself in different online training courses. As I said, some training courses were free while others require an amount of fee. I admit most courses are worth my money, time and effort because I learned what I need to, but of course, there are some online courses that just wasted my time and worst, my money. With this, I learned that I shouldn’t be immediately enrolling in a training course without further verifying if it is necessary or not. This is a sponsored post.
Love Is The Greatest Of All
I am sharing another inspirational story today to get inspired throughout the week. Please take your time to read it, kinda long but worth your time. It was an chain email sent to me by a friend recently. In case you received it too, please tell me what you think ;D Enjoy and get inspired.
Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so she dictated these words:
Dear God,
Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her You will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.
Love, Meredith.
We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter Yet.
I told her that I thought He had.
Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, "To Meredith" in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, "When a Pet Dies." Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:
Dear Meredith,
Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away. Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays In your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.
Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I am wherever there is love.
Love, God
Majority Want Fixed-Rate Mortgage
According to the poll study carried out by FairInvest.Co.Uk, 57 percent of respondents choose a fixed rate mortgage while only 30 percent prefers a short-term option. The survey also showed that 23 percent would prefer tracker mortgages, 9 percent want a discounted option, 8 percent favored a variable-rate alternative and just 3 percent opting for a stepped deal.
I, myself, also prefer a fixed-rate mortgage because I am assured that the interest of my loan will never change throughout the term of the loan. With this result, in my opinion, since majority want fixed-rate mortgage, then lending companies should be offering this service instead. Fixed-Rate Mortgage should be widely available to any lending companies, not only to some specific entities.
It Takes Two To Tango
Ever heard the lines above? I am sure you do. Some of you may have already heard it yet never give a second thought. Some of you may have heard it alot yet until now, still not know what the statement really means.
So what does "It takes two to tango" means?
Honestly, the first time I heard about it, my initial expression was "Huh?!" Of course, I know the meaning of this sentence. Literally. I know that it takes a couple to dance a tango... but what does this idiom exactly means? Admittedly, it took me years before I fully understood these words.
When someone said "It takes two to tango", they mean "Certain activities - such as quarreling or fighting - cannot be performed alone. "It takes two to tango" means that two people in a fight are both responsible for that fight. One person might start the fight, but they both keep it going. A conflict is not the fault of just one person or the other; they are often both to blame, because it takes two to tango ;D
So, may I ask you "Do you keep on blaming others, too?"
WireClub.com - Free Online Chat
Online chat is one of the most enjoyable things to do using the Internet because, aside from the fact that you can communicate with your friends, it is also free and instant. One great site where you can create a free account is called WireClub.com. In here, you can join free online chat rooms and chat with friends, meet new people from all over the world, express yourself by creating blogs, and more.
To get started at WireClub.com free chat rooms, all you need to do is to create an account and build a basic profile. This will only take a few seconds. Once you are done, you will then be ready to do the following:
- Connect with your friends, organize parties, share thoughts, and meet friends of friends, and meet new people using the free instant messaging and online chat service.
- Meet someone special through their dating site. This free service is especially created for singles finding their special someone.
- Express yourself by creating a free blog site and share your thoughts and ideas.
- Create a photo album and an online photo gallery, and more.
What are you waiting for? Create your free account now at WireClub.com and have fun.
My Personal Opinion About Poverty
A friend once asked me to share my personal opinion about poverty during our friendly conversation months ago. The first words that came out from my mouth after hearing her request were "Oh no, not that topic, please!".
It's not that I have nothing to say about poverty. It is because I don't find this topic appealing or interesting at all... and I am as well aware that different people have different opinions about poverty. I remember, I once posted an article about "Poverty Is a Choice, not Fate" months ago here in Space of Reality blog, and there were some who commented back and disagreed ;(
Now, you may ask me "If you think poverty is not interesting, then why is your article today about poverty? " Thanks for asking. Actually, this topic is not in my list. There are a lot of topics in my notes... but because of too much local news about poverty and corruption in my country recently, I was inspired and challenged to share my opinion about poverty.
I often ask the questions like "Why are most people poor?", "Why are there some poor countries, like the third world countries (Sadly, this includes my country)?", "Who is accountable for the poverty?", "Is it the government?", "The society?", "Your family?", "Or your fate?"
In my opinion, poverty is caused by different factors - both personal and social. Okay, let's take the fact that your country is poor... but that doesn't mean, you will stay poor until the end of your life. You have your free-will. This means, you have the power to choose if you stay or move out of poverty. Okay, your parents are poor and they can't afford sending you to school... but that doesn't mean you will stay that way. Why not ask yourself "If other poor people can make it to the top, then why can't I?" Okay, you are still poor at your age because opportunity is rare. If that is the case, then why don't you find the opportunity instead?
Again, being poor is a decision. Now if you think you did your best to be out of poverty, yet you are still inside the border, then I guess you should "revisit" your government... and ask yourself "where does corruption leading us?" My answer - poverty ;(
Unique Gifts At GettingPersonal.Com
I found this cool website where you can buy personalized and unique gifts for your love ones during special occasions or celebrations. Nowadays, shopping online is the in thing, thus isn't it great when you can buy gifts online and most importantly, it is personalized and unique?
The site is called GettingPersonal.Com. It is a place where you can buy unusual gifts within a single click of your mouse using your credit card. They have everything you need like personalized mugs, calendars, sports books, engraved gifts, and more - just right as anniversary gifts, wedding gifts, romantic gifts, birthday gifts, Mothers Day Gifts, Fathers Day Gifts, and any other special and treasured occasions.
So, in case you want to find exceptional presents for your loved ones for your cherished days, then GettingPersonal.com is the right place for you. The good thing is that, in just a single click in front of your computer, you can buy any personalized gift of your choice. Check out their website and I am sure you’ll find something that will definitely make your loved ones smile. Another good thing is that if the minimum price of your order is 30 Euros, the delivery is absolutely free. Great offer, right?
Is It Better To Love Or Be Loved
Is It Better To Love Or Be Loved?
"Oh, that is so common", you may think.
I agree that the statement above is really used. We are often asked this question "Is it better to love or be loved?" and most of the time, we answer "It is better to love, same as it is better to give than to receive".
I know some of you may answer "Nah, it is better to be loved". If you did choose the latter answer, then I bet some of our readers may disagree with you. They may think you are selfish ;D Don't worry, if that is your opinion, then so be it... but I am hoping you can share details why you think that way. Thanks ;D
In my opinion, it is better to love... simply because if you don't love at all, then no one will love you back. Remember our topic about "Give a little love and it all comes back?" As I said on that post, we should spread love without expecting someone will love us back. Loving is Giving... and if it is returned back, then that is appreciated. If the one we love doesn't love us back, then that is fine. Just love him, and just think it this way, "Someone may be loving us too".
Your Guide To Web Hosting Is Here
If you are planning to create a personal or business website, choosing the best and affordable web hosting is critical, especially if you are after services that suit your needs. If are currently looking for the best web hosting plan, I suggest checking out Web Hosting Choice. It is a free resource that will guide you in choosing the right web host for your needs considering the price and services of each plan. Check their site for more information. This post is sponsored.
Got Three Awards This Week
Okay... it's Saturday and it means todays is another day of sharing awards and tags from friends. I got two awards this week which came from a very spacial angel who gave me two awards and myself.
My first two awards are given by Angelbaby - a real sweet and caring angel. She gave me 5-star Blog Award and Excellent Blog Award. It is my third time to receive the 5-star blog award and I feel so honored knowing my blog is rated that way. Thanks to you, my avid readers ;D

My third award is called Blogging With A Purpose Award. Actually, this award was originally given to me in my Make Money Online Free blog, but because I believe Space of Reality deserve this award too, I shared it here. Hope it's fine.

Rose | Amarendra | Bluedreamer | BlueCrystalDude| Coolingstar | Julia | DH Pang | Hailie| Bestre | Jen | Farah Deen | Sweetiepie | Cathara | VeryHeaven | Richard | This is just a summary of this post, go here to read the full article...
Singletons Spend Less Than Couples
In life, minimizing your expenses to save money is important, especially if you are married and have kids or planning to have kids. They say when you are married, it means your expenses become bigger and most of the time, the needs become costly. House bills, grocery bills, and even restaurant bills are doubled. One source that can prove this report is the article I was reading awhile ago. It is titled Singletons 'spend less than couples'. The article states that married people are less thrifty rather than single people.
What does this means? It means, single people spend less compared to married people. Well, I think it is obvious. Of course two heads costs far more rather than a head, right? It is like the expense of a single person is doubled.
Because couples have higher expenses compared to singles, they often face financial crisis. However, in my opinion, being married doesn’t mean you have the excuse not to have savings. Being married means you have the reason to save or minimize your expenses, for your kids and emergency needs. Of course, there are secured loans companies where you can run to during times of crisis, but saving your own money and having something to use during emergencies is still necessary, right? This post is a sponsored post.
There's No Place Like Home
Oh, it's Friday again. Tomorrow's weekend... We should be visiting my aunt (my mom's sister) tomorrow, but because of some unavoidable reasons, we can't go and we'll visit her next month instead. By the way, please pray for my aunt for more strength... she has a brain tumor and I heard she won't live long. Your prayers are very much appreciated ;(
Even though we are not so close, I still feel so sad. We never thought or imagined she could get a cancer. She worked too hard for her family. She even went abroad and worked as a domestic helper just to send her kids in school. I don't pity her because she has a cancer. Instead, I am so proud for her courage and strength.
Out of nowhere, while I was thinking about the fate of my aunt, a topic about "There's No Place Like Home" arise... thus this post was created.
Do you agree that there's no place like home? I do. I no longer live with my family... and I admit that most of the time, I missed back home. I miss my family, I miss my room, I miss the fresh air, and I miss everything.
Reality speaks, even though many Filipinos are going abroad for greener living, they still go back home to the Philippines... for a vacation or to settle down. Some of the people I know often say that they still want to die in the comforts of their own home, not in their foreign land. In my aunt's case, she chose to live her remaining days with her husband, children, and family. I know some had forgotten being a Filipino, but I am so proud to those Filipinos who never gave up being a Filipino - at heart and soul. They never forget their home and never felt ashamed being a Filipino despite the “things” going on.
This may not be the typical scenario in your country, but in mine this is how people treasure the value of home and family. There is indeed no place like home. There is no place as sweet as home.
I Can't Believe I'm Posting This
I was site hopping later this afternoon when I came to site that really got my attention. This post may be out of topic especially here in Space of Reality, but somehow this site need my opinion :D The website is called SinRex.com which sells male enhancement pill. Your expression right now might be "What!" I got you :D
Anyway, this site got my attention not because I am a male or I wanted to buy such product for my brother, boyfriend, or father. I got curious because, today is the first time I ever heard about a site that sells enhancement pill ingredients and the like. The site even got a testimonials area where their users shared their experiences and satisfaction about the product. By the way, if you find this website beneficial to you, drop by at their website and tell me what you think :D
$ 8 Complete Prescription Eyeglasses+ Case
A Great Discovery: Zenni Optical
As you have read on the title of this post, you can now buy an eyeglass including case and complete prescription for as low as $8. The first time I heard about it I said to myself "Wow, so affordable!" The Zenni Optical $8 Rx glasses are not only inexpensive; they are also high quality, stylish, and fashionable. All eyeglass orders are guaranteed to have high quality stylish frames, thin and light 1.57 index lens, anti-scratch clothing, full UV protection, lens edge polishing and beveling, hard eyeglass case, and microfiber lens cleaning cloth.
For your eyeglass needs, consider only the best thing found: Zenni Optical.
Stop... You Can't Do It!!!
Stop... You Can't Do This, You Can't Do That!!!
Had somebody ever told you the lines above? Your parents? Siblings? Close friends? Mentors? Or somebody you are not even close with?
I am sure you did. Because I use to hear those words too... not from my family, but from some people I am not even close with... just acquaintances ;(
Assuming somebody told you those words right now (not from me for sure), how would you feel or react? Frustrated? Disappointed? Down? Demoralized? Or motivated?
I would choose the last word. Motivated. As I said earlier, some people told me about things I can't do... and sometimes I feel frustrated and irritated knowing those people are not even close to me. Not frustrated in a way I get down, I feel frustrated thinking "Who are you? Are we close?" I guess I am lucky because I have a very supportive family. They support me all the way, and never told me those lines. I am frustrated because those people who don't know me well tell me those words.
I think they are just being negative or they tend to put me down. Crab mentality, I guess.
As I said, every time I hear those lines, I get motivated because they just gave me a reason to show them I can do it. I know myself well. It is only me who knows me - on what I can do and what I can't. Not them or even my family.
Every time I hear those lines, I just laugh and continue to work towards my dreams and passion.
The point here is that "No one should be hindering you from your success. If you think you can do it, go for it without minding what other people may say. You have to know that it's your life, not theirs. The only one who knows most about your potential is you and yourself".
The User's Guide To Bad Credit
There are many companies offering loan services but most of them have strict policies. When you get lucky, your application is approved but sometimes, your application is denied. Your bad credit background might be one of the reasons of your application’s rejection. Isn't it disappointing when you applied for an important loan but you were not approved because of your bad credit history?
If you often receive rejection letters from loan companies and almost lose hope in finding a company that will approve your loans, then BadCreditOffers.com is the right resource for you. It is a free consumer resource dedicated in helping their customers choose the best “bad credit” loans that would fit their financial needs. Anyone can avail a car loan, auto loan, housing loan, and credit card regardless of his or her bad credit history.
Applying for a loan at BadCreditOffers.com is as easy as 1-2-3. The first step is to browse “bad credit” offers by category. Their categories include Credit Cards, House Loans, Credit Repair, Auto Loans, and Personal Loans. After you have determined the type of your loan, the next step is to compare features and details side-by-side. As a last step, you can then apply online for your chosen offer.
Bad credit? No problem! Visit BadCreditOffers.com now for more information and get approved instantly.
How Much Do You Love Me?
If your partner asked you the question above, how will you react or respond?
Out of nowhere, I asked my hon this question one time… maybe to test him or just to start a conversation. He paused for awhile (about five seconds) then smartly answered back "None". I asked him why he had to pause, he said he wants to be sure with his answer... then we laughed. We laughed because we both know whatever the answer may be, it's nothing for us.
Love should be priceless... Just like Jennifer Lopez said on her song "Love doesn’t cost a thing". The love between two people should last through thick and thin. Money should not be over love... it should be the other way.
But I guess this is not the reality to some people. Nowadays, we hear stories like: A girl married his husband because he is wealthy and powerful. She vowed she will love him come what may... but when the man became broke, they divorced. The girl actually did not love his husband. She loved his money. Or was it actually love.
(At least there are some who actually stays whatever and wherever life brings them as couple.)
In my opinion, lack of money should not be the reason of divorce, separation, or argument. Not because he or she no longer has money, your love for him gets less. Instead, your love for each other should get stronger as you pass the test.
Now, maybe it's time to ask yourself if you love your husband or his attainment. Maybe it's time to ask your partner "How much you love me?" :D
Real State At Nouveau Riche University
I heard one of the best ways to make real money is thru real state investing. I was curious on how real state works so I search online for information and resources that could help me learn about this topic. One useful site I found is called Nouveau Riche University. It is an educational program where one who is aspiring to be a real state agent can learn about real state investing. In case you desire to be a real state agent and want to know more about Nouveau Riche, then keep on reading.
Nouveau Riche University offers a uniquely designed set of courses which integrates Instructional System Design (ISD), a scientifically verified educational system used by every chief university in the United States. Some of their class topics range from introductory real estate investing to advanced techniques such as creative real estate investing techniques including wholesaling, multi-units, and short sales.
The course cost ranges from $300 per month to a $16,000 one-time payment, depending on the level you wish to join at. They also offer a Home Study course where you can learn at the comforts of your home using the Residential Real Estate Encyclopedia. For more information, feel free to visit Nouveau Riche. You will get more information there such as the student benefits, college curriculum, company’s background, and more.
Is Love Selfish or SelfLess?
Valentines Day is over... but it is still February so no one can stop me blogging about love. Just kidding :D Truth is, I got a lot of topics about love in my list... and one of them is my topic today.
Is Love Selfish or Selfless?
You may answer me "Love is selfless. It is never selfish..." but what if I ask you back "Really?"
We may admit it or not, even though we know that love is never selfish... in one way or another, we are selfish. We know we love that person so much but there is something in us which is selfish, right? You might disagree. Well, try answering this question:
Who comes first, you or the person you love?
Most of you reading this post may answer "The person I love". That was my answer too... but not anymore :D
Answering “the one I love” may sound admirable. However, how can you love someone if you don't love yourself? You can’t fully love another unless you love yourself first. If you don’t love yourself first, you have no love to give. If you put yourself first in love and make your happiness your priority, you are more willing to love others. We love others to the extent we love ourselves.
Loving yourself first does not mean you are selfish... If you love yourself, you have more love to give :D
An Unfinished Life 2005
This is my first post about movies. Since Space of Reality covers inspirational thoughts and stories, I thought maybe featuring inspirational movies would be a great idea too. I hope it's just be fine with you :D I will be sharing stories that touched and provoked my thoughts, and in one way or another, touched my life.
Anyway, the first movie I want to feature is called An Unfinished Life starring Robert Redford, Jennifer Lopez, and Morgan Freeman. My hon bought the DVD and I thought it was another boring movie... but I was wrong. There is both inspiration and lesson in the story. Anyway, in case you want to know the summary of the story, here it is. (Note that the excerpt is copied from Wikipedia)
Still in shock from his only son's death a decade ago, Einar (Redford) has let his ranch fall into ruin along with his marriage. It is revealed that his wife, Nelly, left him for another man and now lives in Colorado. Now, Einar spends his days caring only for his hired handyman and last trusted friend, Mitch (Freeman), who was gravely injured in an encounter with a grizzly bear. Einar intends to live out his days in this heartbroken solitude--until the very person he blames for his son's accident comes to town: his daughter-in-law Jean (Lopez). Jean actually ran away with her daughter from her cruel boyfriend, Gary, who beats her up. Suddenly, Einar's quiet life is turned upside down as anger and accusations resurface. But slowly and miraculously, 11 year-old Griff's curiosity about Western life--as well as her longing for a family and a father figure--begin to chip away at the stone that has become Einar's heart, opening up the way for unexpected connection, adventure, mercy and true reunion.
To sum it up, the movie is about forgiving, letting go, and setting free. It is a great watch, I assure you.
BadCreditOffers.Com Is Your Credit Guide
Nowadays, there are too many companies offering credit services, and because of this, customers like us often face the dilemma in choosing which company has good or bad credit loans services. I admit that I even often receive emails from people I don't know wherein they claim they have the best credit offers any credit company could give. The real predicament is that, most credit companies say they are the best number 1. In that case, we often face the difficulty in choosing the real best. Sometimes, we even become the victims of bad credit offers, right?
Now, the dilemma is over especially for those who are not knowledgeable enough in choosing which credit company offering the finest services. I found this website called BadCreditOffers.com which provides necessary information and resources to help consumers in determining which company provides the best credit offers, and at the same time, suit their needs.
They compare, filter, and compile dozens of company who offer the bad credits, which means you can easily determine which one is secured and which are not. BadCreditOffers.com provides credit basic information about credit cards, home loans, credit repair, auto loans, personal loans, and others. This website is definitely the best place where you can get information about credit matters, so check it out :D
Awards and A Tag For Me
It's Saturday again... another weekend, so I want to end this week sharing the awards and tags which I received from my cool blogofriends. Thank you everyone!!!
My first award is from MrViruz and is called Chain of Friendship. Thanks for being my friend too MrViruz :D I am glad I am included in your circle of friends :DMy second award is called Friendship Gift which is from a very dear friend BlueDreamer. Thanks too for being my friend in the blogosphere :D I really appreciate you for visiting me often through thick and thin :D
My third award is from Twinkletoe. Actually she gave me a lot of awards and I am posting them all below. Thanks a lot friend, you are one of the nicest and greatest friend I ever had. Keep it up :D
Done with the awards, next is my one and only tag from Sweetiepie and it is called Rules of Four. Here it is:
4 jobs I have had:
Registrar's Assistant/ OJT, Technical Support Representative, Quality Assurance Representative, Blogger
4 movies I watched over and over:
The legend of 19 Hundred, City of Angels, Titanic, Anna and The King
4 shows I watch:
Reporter's Notebook, Ghost Fighter, Naruto, Heroes
4 places I have been:
Never been to any place outside my country but I am looking forward for it :D
4 people who email me:
Spammers, friends, my clients, and spammers again
4 favorite things to eat:
Cake, Ice Cream, Beef Gyudon, Chicken Teriyaki
4 places I would rather be:
Venice, Spain, Italy, Singapore
4 things I look forward to this year:
Tour all beautiful spots in my country, resignation of my country's President, have my own car, buy my own house
Now, let's move to the SHARING PART. I want to share these awards and tag to my readers and newly met friends namely: Coolingstar, Rise, Hailie, Sassy, Gypsy, Renrie, SparkleNSparkle, Darberg, Jafabrit, VeryHeaven, Jeremy, Brandi, Mriza, Benjamin, and Cathara.
(If your name is not included, I am sure you had been tagged and received these awards from someone else. Don't be sad.) Happy tagging and sharing!!!
Where Is The Love?
I was watching an evening show last Saturday when I was touched by their featured story. I kept on crying from the start until the end of the episode. I don't know what made me cry. Maybe it was because of pity... or anger. I am not sure ;(
I don't know if you also watched this story or not. It is on our local channel called Reporter's Notebook so I guess not everyone watched it. Anyway, the story goes like this. Sorry, I am not a good storyteller but I will try to make the story as is. Please bear with me :D
The episode is about the unforgettable story of an 11-year old girl named Liza. Despite her empty stomach, she still goes through the murky, garbage strewn river everyday to collect plastic and tin cans to sell at the junk shop. She keeps her earnings in her piggy bank… and when the anchor asked why, she simply answered “For my studies”. Liza sees to it that she save five pesos a day for her studies. She is determined to continue going to school, even though her classmates laugh at her because her shoes are filled with holes and her mother says they can no longer afford to send her next year.
You may not be touched by my story, but I am sure you will in case you watch the episode.
Anyway, while watching this story and at the same time crying, I was thinking “Where is the love?” Why are there kids like Liza who have to suffer that way? Was it Liza’s fault? Was it their parents? The government? The society? Who should be blamed? Who is the real victim? It kills my heart when I thought about people who don’t know where to spend their money while there are some people who don’t know where to find money.
I was thinking those thoughts that night and I still do right now. I remember I said before about “Your life is your decision”… but does this apply to kids too? Aren’t they are the victim where they don’t have a choice?
Where is the love?
Wholesale at WholeSaleDirectUSA.com
Good news for business people who are into wholesaling and retailing. I found a great website called http://www.WholeSaleDirectUSA.com where you can buy top quality and low prices blank t-shirts of all sizes and colors. They offer regular and urban wear, including hip hop, polo shirts, tees, hoodies, jackets, short-sleeve and long-sleeve shirts, thermal shirts and other different kind of shirts. Their shirts’ sizes ranges from small, medium, large, extra large, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, and 8x. As for the colors of their shirts, they have black, brown, burgundy, blue, grey, green, olive, orange, yellow, white, and more.
Their prices are guaranteed affordable, reasonable, and cheap because they manufacture, import, and distribute them. WholeSaleDirectUSA.com was established on 1986 under Compusoft, Inc. - an IT firm branched out into internet marketing of T-Shirts under the banner WholesaleDirectUSA.com. With this, we can be sure that they are reputable and trusted.
On their website, you can find their products by categories. You can buy by size, color, type, and even by recommendation. Orders are processed and shipped within the day you placed your order, as possible. For customer satisfaction, they offer services in as fast as they could. They also have a customer service where you can ask further inquiries. Be sure to read their FAQs before sending an email or calling their support. They have two modes of payment. First is by means of money order and the latter is through credit card.
For further inquiries or in case you want to buy 100 dozens or more T shirts, you can send an email at wholesaledirectusacom.yahoo.com. You can also use their email service for your status and order inquiries. For more information about their services or to place your order logon to http://www.WholeSaleDirectUSA.com. Note that orders should be placed at their website, as they don't accept orders through email or phone.
Don't Fall In Love, Rise In Love
Vacation is over... back to business :D I missed Space of Reality and my blogosphere friends.
First, I would like to extend my apologies for not posting articles for the past four days. I just had my vacation. Honestly, before going to have my break and visit my family in my hometown, I intended to keep on posting here. I even brought my laptop with me... but because my mind was so overwhelmed with vacation, my family, and fresh air, I couldn't think nor start any article during those days. So I declared a holiday :D No posts for the past four days :(
Anyway, now that I am back, I will start posting about Don't Fall In Love, Grow In Love. I originally plan to post this topic yesterday, but because I was so tired and I still feel some jetlag, I decided to post it today. So here it goes :D
I fell in love with him!
Are you familiar with this line? Let me guess, I am sure you have heard or said this line already. Before. Or still saying or hearing it this past few days. Well, I admit I also did... but after reading an article about falling in love, I stopped :D Why? Because I agreed with the author of the article.
When you feel love, you should not fall. I have no idea why people keep on saying "fall in love". It made me think... but until now, I have no answer. In case you know, please leave a comment below.
Whatever the reason may be, I think we should not be falling in love. Instead, we should be rising and growing for love. Love is a positive emotion. Fall means negative... so instead of falling... let's rise and share the love.
By the way, Happy Valentines Day!!! Share the hugs :D
Buy Your Tennis Needs At TennisPlaza.com
I was searching for tennis gaming equipments online when I came to a website called Tennisplaza.com. Wow, they almost have everything every professional or aspiring tennis player should have. They offer different brands of tennis racquets, shoes, apparels, tennis balls, strings, bags, including the latest accessories like grips, overgrips and dampeners.
They offer different brand names of racquets such as Babolat Racquets, Dunlop Racquets, Head Racquets, Prince Racquets, Tecnifibre Racquets, Volkl Racquets, Wilson Racquets, Yonex Racquets, and others. As for their shoes, they have Adidas, Babolat, Lotto, New Balance, Nike, Prince, Wilson, Yonex, and K Swiss tennis shoes. As for their apparels, they have dresses, hats, visors, headbands, wristbands, jackets, pants, shirts, shorts, skirts, socks, bags, and personal accessories such as eyewear.
TennisPlaza.com is a premiere one-stop online shop offering tennis gaming equipments and apparels for all ages, genders, and sizes so I am sure you can also buy the needs of your kids, husband, friends, and family. If you are a certified tennis fanatic, you can also buy tennis related products such as posters, DVDs, and books.
Aside from providing quality tennis products, TennisPlaza.com also guides and educates their customers in choosing the most appropriate racquets and equipments. Their products are categorized by brand and type which is a great feature for customer's ease in shopping online.
Thus, if you are in search for an authorized, secured, and trusted site to buy your tennis needs, then Tennisplaza.com is the right place. TennisPlaza.com is owned and operated by Racquet World which is one of the largest and most reputable tennis stores worldwide. With over 18 years in business, shopping at them is guaranteed secured, affordable, and reasonable. You are also sure that you will get the best pricing, products, and services.
For your tennis gaming needs, shop only at TennisPlaza.com where service is their game.
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!
It's been more than four days since I last posted here in Space of Reality. To my avid readers and friends in the blogosphere, sorry for not keeping you posted :( My hon and I went for a three day holiday and visited my family in my home province. I hope to share more about our vacation this coming days.
We just arrived this morning and I still feel some jetlag so I won't be posting an article here today. I will first thing tomorrow. I just logged in to my Blogger account to approve all pending comments and to greet you all a very very Happy Valentines day!!!
Enjoy this day with your loved ones. Be happy. Give them hugs and kisses. Remember, material gifts are good but nothing is greater than pure love and care :D
Happy Heart's Day again :D
Do you love to hate or hate to love?
Do you love to hate or hate to love?
I got this message in my mailbox today right after signing in to Yahoo. I know this one is spam because I don't know the sender so I did not open the email. Even though I am so curious on what the email was all about, I stopped the urge and click the delete option instead.
Anyway, I thought this topic would be an interesting topic to discuss here in Space of Reality blog, so here I am posting another article about love matters.
So, let me ask you "Do you love to hate or hate to love"? Were you confused? Don't be... there's no reason to :D
As for me, I don't do both. I am no evil :D There is no reason for me to hate someone. I love to love and I hate to hate. Hatred is not part of me. I don't usually hate people, because I know that if I will hate someone, I will be the loser. If I feel hatred to someone, there will be no one affected but me. I will just make the person I hate happier and contented. Got my point? So instead of being the devil, I want to be the angel. Why hate when you can love, right?
So let me ask you... just like my spam email asked me "Do you love to hate or hate to love"?
Online Gaming Reviews
Good news to all people out there who loves playing online games. I found this another website called OnlineCasinoList.com that reviews online casinos and other online gaming websites. In case you are hoping to find trusted online casinos, visit them and you will find their listings on top and best online casinos both worldwide and in the US area. Just like any other online casino review sites, OnlineCasinoList.com also reviews and ranks casinos based on user rating, maximum bonus, payout, and editor rating.
On their homepage, they listed the top 15 online casino. This means, the one listed at number one is best among the rest. In case you also want to know which online casino accepting US players is the best, then you can check them on their US Casino Lists category. Aside from providing you the list of best online casino, they also provided four articles that are helpful both for newbie and average online casino gamer. Among these articles are Online Casino FAQ's, Beginners Guide to Online Gambling, Online Gambling Tips, and Online Casino Reviews. The website is simple and user friendly in design so I am sure, you can easily find there what you need to know about online casino.
Have a great weekend.